Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pre-order Jackson Galaxy’s “Catification” and Help Homeless Community Cats

CATIFICATION: The book every cat lover needs to get their paws on!

This gorgeously designed, full-color book includes more than 15 fun DIY projects, from cat towers and kitty hammocks to catios (cat patios) and “cat superhighways” that are sure to make readers—and their cats—purr in approval.
Available October 14, 2014.
Pre-order your copy before Oct 14th and Tarcher/Penguin will donate $1 for every copy pre-ordered to organizations dedicated to helping homeless community cats!

CATIFICATION is Available at http://www.tarcherbooks.net/catification/

Please vote for the Blind Cat Rescue and help them win a much needed makeover!

Click HERE or copy and paste the URL:  http://www.tarcherbooks.net/catify-2/

Every vote counts! Each vote submitted in this poll brings your favorite shelter one step closer to the grand Prize makeover and several prizes for runners up !  And you can actually cast your vote Every THREE HOURS!!!

So click HERE and vote Blind Cat Rescue!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Children of the Luminaries Book Two: Training Day ***UPDATE***

Well kiddies, I am five chapters away from completing  Book Two of the Children of the Luminaries trilogy.  

(loud yell and lots of happy dances around the room).  

I'm very excited.  Can you tell?

In Book Two, we get to find out a few things.  Like who the hell are those two people hanging out in the shadow's of Tori's bedroom?  And what really happened to Tori's memory?  Where did the Twelve go?  Where did The Oracle and everybody else go to?   But most importantly...How the hell does The Oracle get to be a warrior any hoo?

Well you guys are gonna have to wait until Book Two is published before finding that all out!  Cause I'm sworn to secrecy dontcha know!  

Oh and for those of you who don't have clue one what I'm talking about...you need  to read Book One!    You can get your copy TODAY by clicking  HERE

Friday, September 12, 2014

CLICK To Feed Hungry Shelter Animals

Right or wrong, you win! Click on an answer, and every day you do, we'll provide 10 pieces of kibble to Animal Shelters to help feed their hungry cats and dogs.

Click HERE  

or copy and paste this URL: http://www.freekibble.com/

And while you're there don't forget to CLICK to provide litter to shelter cats!

Click HERE  (copy and paste URL http://www.freekatlitter.com/)  to get the cat scratching... and every day you do, we'll provide much needed litter to animal shelters. 

Click to scratch every day - the more you do, the more high quality litter we can donate - they need it!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Find Me On The Author's Den!

Come Be My Fan over on my  The Author's Den page

Click HERE to be transported to my personal page. 

When you get there just click "Become a Fan"   located  on the top left side.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Enjoy a purr-fect coffee at North America’s first cat café

Pop-up cat cafes have been taking over cities in Europe and Japan, but Saturday, North America got its very own permanent feline coffee shop with the grand opening of Le Café des Chats in Montreal.
Youssef Labib, one of the café’s owners who loves both cats and coffee, will soon be opening similar themed shops in San Diego, Portland, New York and Seattle, according to Eater.
The cat cafe will be a feline-lover's paradise.  In addition to getting a cup of coffee and some snacks, the restaurant will be home to about a dozen cats that have been adopted from shelters or groups. Each cat will receive veterinary care, vaccinations, and be microchipped and spayed or neutered. If you’re allergic to cats be wary: These felines roam free throughout the shop, playing with toys and leaping on specially built apparatus.

Click HERE



Saturday, August 23, 2014

Excerpt from Children Of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm

Long ago, before the wave of negativity began to take form, the Divine Creators brought together representatives from each of the twelve star sectors of the vast cosmos to form twelve councils to oversee the development of newly formed worlds.  Each council reflected the great wisdom, knowledge and power of their region.  These councils became known as the Celestial Lords of Light. 

As the wave of negativity grew, wars broke out, worlds were destroyed, entire races lost.  The wave had even reached many of the members of the twelve councils diminishing their ranks and weakening their authority.

It was during this time, thirteen surviving members from the various councils came together and pooled their collective energies.  They beseeched the Divine Creators to grant them power to create a race of beings that would battle the negativity.

On that day, the thirteen were granted permission to set into motion their desire to create a race of beings who would serve as protectors of every living creation.  From each of the twelve star clusters, the Divine Creators gave to them the essence of twelve thousand stars.

“From these you will fashion your charges.  Create as you will.  Instill in your creations the desire to do good.  Grant them purpose and honor; keeping in mind to never interfere with their freedom of choice.  You may watch, guide and advise.  But you must never interfere!  You will no longer be permitted to show yourselves to your charges but will work in quiet solitude; assisting only when directly asked,” the Creators instructed solemnly.

Pleased with Council's efforts, the Divine Creators then formed a world upon which the Knights would live and named it Bar'Tal meaning ‘Great Light'.  The Divine Creators granted the thirteen as Pantheon and High Council to the Knights with the reminder that they were not permitted to interfere with freedom of choice.

As the Knights began to evolve and advance, representatives from every part of the cosmos began to show interest, seeking them out.  Many requested assistance from the Knights to battle the evil in their worlds, others to bring healing and needed supplies.

For all living creatures that faced extinction, from every galaxy and every dimension, Bar'Tal had become their sanctuary.  As the Knights grew stronger and more powerful so too did the threat of the wave of negativity, its power now rapidly enveloping Bar'Tal.

Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm
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