Thursday, July 3, 2014

Top Ten Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips

Both the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and PAW have listed ways you can prevent your holiday celebration from turning into a tragedy. Here are 10 tips on how to keep your pet from panicking this Fourth of July weekend.

10. Keep your Pet Indoors at All Times!

It may seem obvious, but even if your pet is used to being outside, the resulting panic caused by fireworks or other loud noises may make them break their restraint or jump a fence in a terrified attempt to find safety.

9. Don’t Put Insect Repellant on Your Pet that isn’t Specifically for Pet Use

The same tip applies to applying “people” sunscreen on your pet. What isn’t toxic to humans can be toxic to animals. The ASPCA lists the poisonous effects of sunscreen on your pet as, “…drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy.” DEET, a common insecticide, may cause neurological issues.

8. Alcoholic Drinks Poison Pets

If your pet drinks alcohol, they can become dangerously intoxicated, go into a coma, or in severe cases, die from respiratory failure. Yes, even beer is toxic; fermented hops and ethanol are poisonous to dogs and cats.

7. Going to a Fireworks Display? Leave Your Pet at Home

The safest place for your pet is at home, not in a crowded, unfamiliar and noisy place. The combination of too many people and loud fireworks will make your beloved pet freak out and desperately seek shelter. Locking them in the car is also not an option; your pet may suffer brain damage and heat stroke.

6. Have Your Pet Properly Identified

If your pet manages to break loose and become lost, without proper identification it will be that much harder to get them back. Consider fitting your pet with microchip identification, ID tags with their name and your phone number, or both. It is also a good idea to have a recent picture of your pets in case you have to put up signs.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Despite massive bee die-offs, toxic bee-killing pesticides continue to be approved—putting bees and our food system in dire jeopardy.

To help us fight in court to save bees and the natural world, Board members of Earth Justice have offered to match your support $1-for-$1—up to $784,000—now through July 15.

Donate now and your gift will go twice as far.

Sign up to receive notices from Earth Justice Today!

Despite alarming declines in bee populations, toxic bee-killing pesticides continue to be approved—as recently as June 13—putting bees, our natural heritage, and our food system in dire jeopardy.
Earthjustice is ramping up our work to save bees and stop these dangerous pesticides, but we need your help now more than ever to see these and other fights through.
To help with critical battles like this, 17 members of our Board of Trustees have offered to match your support $1-for-$1—up to $784,000— through July 15.
Nearly one-third of our crops—including many vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds—depend on bees for pollination. But despite the vital role bees play, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and Environmental Protection Agency continue to approve pesticides that are linked to a bee die-off of historic proportions.
Just recently—on June 13—the Department of Pesticide Regulation approved the expanded use of two pesticides (Valent U.S.A. Corporation’s “Venom Insecticide” and Mitsui Chemical Agro’s “Dinotefuran 20SG”) that are contributing to bee colony collapse disorder...without analyzing environmental impacts or available alternatives.
And the EPA recently approved the use of another pesticide, sulfoxaflor, that is highly toxic to bees...and is now considering expanding the number of crops it can be sprayed on to include corn, alfalfa, and oats, to name just a few.
We’re fighting back, but we need your help!
Last year, one-third of our honeybee colonies died or disappeared. The massive die-off of these vital pollinators threatens to unravel agricultural production across the country.
We can’t afford to let short-term, private profits destroy our natural world. Help us ensure that new highly-toxic pesticides do not become the final straw for bees.
Your contribution matched $1-for-$1 today, will be put to use immediately to:
Save bees—already struggling to survive—from Dow AgroScience’s new pesticide sulfoxaflor, which has been shown to be highly toxic to bees
Fight the expanded use of toxic bee-killing pesticides like sufloxaflor
Stop the approval of new bee-killing pesticides without analyzing environmental impacts or available alternatives
Prevent the next generation of GMO crops from gaining approval—and leading to much greater use of even more dangerous pesticides
And take on other critical fights to protect the natural world

Thank you for all that you do!!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Children of the Luminaries ~ Book I: The Coming Storm

Children of the Luminaries is a trilogy that tells the story of The Oracle and her mentor Demetrius as they set upon a courageous quest to stop the Dark Lord Dagon from finding the Ultimate Power and becoming supreme ruler over all worlds.

Book I:

The Coming Storm introduces us to a group of benevolent beings known as The Pantheon, who create a race of Knights to protect and serve all those who have fallen prey to a growing force called the Wave of Negativity which is slowly taking over the multiple Universes.  

When Dagon, one of their high ranking Knights, succumbs to the Wave and begins his reign of terror, The Pantheon is forced to choose a Champion,  a single individual who's heart and soul remains pure.  The Pantheon then commissions one of their own to train and mentor their chosen one, guiding her through the greatest challenges of her life in an effort to take down a sworn enemy and restore peace throughout the galaxies.


The Children of the Luminaries series is tradmarked and used under licenses and registrations in the United States as well as other countries around the world.


Copyright© 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

Make Them Pay For Their Own Actions!

NO! I don't agree that parents should be the one to pay for their children's mistakes!  

That's what's wrong with these kids now.  Somebody else is always taking responsibility for THEIR mistakes and poor choices!  Somebody else is ALWAYS to blame for little deQuan or little Johnny's idiotic behavior!  Somebody else is ALWAYS the fall guy when little Shaniqua or Barbara Ann get knocked up. 

How about we STOP blaming the parents?  How about we STOP blaming everyone and their proverbial brother and sister?   How about we STOP giving these little law breaking brats every excuse to do whatever right here and right now?

 How about instead we Make these children...


How about we do all the above  as oppose to what we've been doing?  

How about we allow the children who break rules and/or laws to face the consequences of their own actions without the crippling co-dependant B.S.  And without all the drugs and meds and crapola that goes along with that?

How about we do that?

How about we stop giving free passes to  these law breaking thugs and gangsta wanna bes by forcing them to stand on their own two feet and taking it like the "man" and "woman" they all have convinced themselves to be?

Developing strategies for their cases should ease up some of that so called boredom they claim to have.  The same boredom they use as an excuse for breaking laws.  


And how about we garnishee their pay checks until they've paid everything back?  Put a lien on everything they have?   

Place them under work orders to the people they vandalized and/or stole from until the debt, court costs and any and all medical bills have been paid in full.  PLUS a hefty 25% additional costs for pain and suffering to their victims.

Unrealistic you say?  Not at all.  

Put them to work!  Continue to  feed them, house them, clothe them.  But put them to work at whatever crap job we can find and take  all their money and put it directly towards paying for whatever they vandalized, destroyed and/or stole.

Make them get out on the streets and clean them.  Make them clean the cages at the Zoo, local animal shelters.  Make them scrape road kill.   

Oh I could go on and on and on with my list of things I'd have them do until their debts were wiped clear. 

And they don't get to stop when they turn a certain age.  Oh no! No! No, they get to keep on working and paying out their money until every single penny is paid back.  They move, the debt follows them!     In fact, they should not be allowed to leave the city until 90% of the debt is paid.  

In reality it's a win/win.  The city/state don't have to put out extra money for clean up, fix up, etc.  And best of all, the little thugs won't have the time or energy to get bored.


Remember these "bored teens"?  Click HERE

Words for Teenagers ~ Editorial

Watching the news coverage of the gatherings downtown and in the city's west end, a reporter interviewed one youth who said how boring it was at home and in his neighborhood which is  the reason he gave for the recent string of violence through out Louisville.  

Below is a direct quote:

[JayJuan] Taylor says the violence stems from boredom.
"There's not enough for teenagers to do," said Taylor

Click HERE to View Video and Read Transcript 

Violence stems from boredom....HOW UNORIGINAL!

So you're Bored?  Nothing to do?    And your solution is to wreak havoc?   That's how you resolve your boredom?  By beating up people?  Robbing them?  Destroying property?

Maybe you'd be less bored if you were forced to cleaned the streets, make repairs on the buildings and homes you broke into or vandalized.  

Maybe you'd be less bored if you were made to work for the people you robbed until you've paid them back for all you've stolen and destroyed.   

Maybe you'd be a little less bored if you were taken to a farm in a remote part of the state and was made to work it from sun up to sun down until you turned 21 years old.

Maybe if you were taken to a public place, your bare buttocks exposed and publicly caned like they do thugs in Singapore, each moment televised for the whole world to see, you and your little friends would have something more  to think about other than how bored you are.   



Contrary to popular belief...

the world DOES NOT owe you a ANY THING!

But YOU...YOU owe the world something!  

Below is a newspaper clipping from the 1950's.

This applies Today more so than EVER!   

If you're bored, try making a POSITIVE IMPACT on your community!  

Trust me, you'll get further in life when you do.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014


By Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger
[Excerpted from their book Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds.  Visible Ink Press, 2011]
The annals of UFOlogy have always been frighteningly filled with the deaths of UFOlogists from unusual cancers, heart attacks, questionable suicides and all manner of strange happenings.  Professor G. Cope Schellhorn has observed that mysterious and suspicious deaths among UFO investigators are almost as old as the phenomenon itself.
In 1971, the well-known author and researcher Otto Binder wrote an article for Saga magazine's Special UFO Report titled "Liquidation of the UFO Investigators.” Binder had researched the deaths of "no less than 137 flying saucer researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses” who had died in the previous 10 years, "many under the most mysterious circumstances. " The cases Binder offered were loaded with a plethora of alleged heart attacks, suspicious cancers and what appears to be outright examples of murder.
Phil Schneider
Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosive expert. Of the 129 deep underground facilities Schneider believed that the U.S. government had constructed since World War II, he claimed to have worked in thirteen of them. Schneider maintained that Gray humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians at the bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico.  In 1979, a misunderstanding arose between the aliens and the earthlings. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed, along with an unspecified number of Grays. It was during the violent encounter that Schneider received a beam-weapon blast to the chest, which later caused his cancer.
Schneider died Januarv 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck. If the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, they are matched by the controversy over his public statements uttered recently before his death.

Read the rest of the article by clicking HERE

ATTENTION: Free Kibble Donating ALL Kibble Raised Today To Mudslide Victims in Washington!

ALL the kibble raised today, will be donated to care for dogs & cats impacted by the mudslides in Washington - spread the word!

Click HERE to play!