Friday, October 18, 2013

Hungry woman charged with theft for taking $2.87 from fountain

Hungry woman charged with theft for taking $2.87 from fountain


Wal-Mart worker: Fired for helping assaulted woman: Associated Press

Wal-Mart worker: Fired for helping assaulted woman: Associated Press

This is another example of Big corporations making painfully wrong mistakes.  Not to mention, their little "rules and policies" are  perpetuating looking the other way while someone is being hurt!   

I haven't shopped at Wal Mart in years.  Mostly because the stores here are just filthy!  And I'm talking dirty and nasty!  And their prices are too high!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

IPet Companion: Play With Shelter Animals

With iPet Companion, you can play with cats in shelters from the comfort of your computer. Just follow the instructions below to make some kitty's day special!

Click HERE to download the App

Or just copy and paste the URL below:

And while you're at the Animal Rescue Site...


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Open Letter to the United States Government

Dear Congress:

I recently started watching   6 Minutes to Success™  by the Proctor & Gallagher Institute (   I highly recommend it!

And though I am only a fraction through the vast video library provided through my membership, and have only absorbed the first two chapters in both  Think and Grow Rich (by Napolean Hill) and You Were Born Rich (by Bob Proctor), I can say with great confidence that this information is our Country's  salvation.  In fact, I'm more than a 100% sure that this information is our only salvation in  eliminating  our debt entirely!  And to the only map to a stable economy.  

I invite each of you to  Click HERE   to download Bob Proctor's book, You Were Born Rich and read Chapter 2 on Debt Reduction.    

And for a copy of Napolean Hill's book Think and Grow Rich just Click HERE

It's FREE!

No doubt you're asking...Debt reduction?  In our time?  Doing these simple steps in this book will do all that? Unrealistic you say?   Insane! You say?

Well, seeing how your way has only accomplished more debt, wouldn't the choice to do something totally different be more sane?   

I believe you will agree that following good old fashioned advice as outlined in both books, and taught in the on-line video library at the Proctor & Gallagher Institute,  is an excellent way of breaking the "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results  a.k.a. Insanity" Cycle!

The information found at the Proctor & Gallagher Institute is simplistic in nature.  Again, it's nothing more than Good old fashion sense and application.    It is information that requires not only action, but an overall shift in attitude and thinking.    Something we all need to revisit and put into practice...daily!

Perhaps you are familiar with the processes described in both books?  If you are, then my only question is, why are you not applying them and setting an example for the American People?  And the World?

If you are not familiar with the process, then I invite you to get acquainted with them.  It's not difficult at all!  And I can tell you it's worth your time, your efforts and your money invested.  

The Proctor & Gallagher Institute should be your first (and only) source in resolving the issues each of you are faced with.     Clearing the debt!  Setting a more healthier economic standard.

And no, no one at the Proctor & Gallagher Institute knows I am suggesting any of this to you.    I'm doing this all on my own.  

For you see Ladies & Gentlemen of the U.S. Congress, each of us here in America are a little more than tired of the lack of leadership in Washington.   Especially and in particularly, the seemingly inability to handle money in a more appropriate fashion.    

Because I am a firm believer in our Country and in the Proctor & Gallagher Institute, I strongly urge you--each and every single one of you--to take the time to read and study both Think and Grow Rich (by Napolean Hill) and You Were Born Rich (by Bob Proctor); listen to each of the videos on the Proctor & Gallagher Institute website and start applying the wisdom provided.

You will be more than glad you did.  And so will the American People!

Thank you.


Get Your Pink ON and Help Fund Free Mammograms!

Get your Pink On and help fund free mammograms in the process!

Every purchase helps a woman get a FREE Mammogram!

There's all sorts of Pink Wear on the Breast Cancer Awareness site on-line store!

Click HERE to shop!  

And while you're there.... Don't Forget to CLICK!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets

There are many Halloween pet safety hazards related to this October holiday -- some are well-known (the dangers of chocolate toxicity), and some aren't. Learn what to be aware of to protect your pet and stay safe this year!

Things to Watch For on Halloween

Halloween is a fun time for kids and many adults, but can be a frightening and stressful time for your pets. As a pet owner, you know your pet best, but here are some points to consider for your pet's safety.
  • Continual doorbell ringing and people at the door (in costume, no less!) can be stressful for a pet. Some pets may experience stress-related diarrhea or potentially injure themselves if crated or otherwise contained. Keep your pet in a quiet and safe place on Halloween.
  • Strangers in costume - some animals may become unexpectedly aggressive or fearful, even normally friendly pets.
  • Candles and Jack-O'-Lanterns within a pet's range are a fire hazard. Wagging tails and frightened cats zooming through the house can easily tip over a candle or carved pumpkin, causing burns or a fire.
  • Keep your pets indoors on Halloween night, especially black cats. Animals are at risk for cruel treatment by some Halloween pranksters. Many adoption agencies and humane societies will not allow adoption of black cats around Halloween for this reason.
  • Candy - For many people, Halloween = candy. Many pets have a sweet tooth. Please warn children not to share their goodies with the family pet.
Click HERE to Read More




Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vote No Kill Louisville In Best Shelter Challenge Contest -- Details Below




No Kill Louisville is a 501c3 non-profit, all volunteer organization.

Mission - Through the support and creation of programs and services, collaboration, and advocacy, No Kill Louisville will build a community where no adoptable pet or feral cat is killed.

Vision  - We envision our community as a place where no adoptable pet or feral cat is killed, regardless of resources, economics, or politics.

About Shelter Challenge

Shelter Challenge and (GGO) are proud to announce a new Shelter Challenge with 244 cash and non-monetary prizes.
Voting began on August 12, 2013, at 12:01 a.m. PT, and will end on October, 2013, at 11:59 p.m. PT.  Winners will be announced weekly on Wednesdays for certain categories and all winners, including Grand Prize, will be announced on October 16, 2013! 


Visitors to the Shelter Challenge ( will have an opportunity to choose from a list of animal rescue and welfare organizations that are registered in the Shelter Challenge. Visitors can cast one vote daily during each voting period to help pick the organizations which will receive support from



Total Shelter Challenge Prizes to be awarded between August 12 and October 13, 2013, shall consist of $100,000 in cash grants, 5,100 vaccinations, and 3,825 pet beds for a total of 244 prizes.

- See more at: